Things To Know

The Bad Side of E. Coli
There are certain strains of E. Coli that have mutated and become pathogenic. One example of this is the German strain that killed about 50 people and infected thousands more between May and July of 2011. This mutation of the E. Coli bacteria is a serious threat to the health of human beings.

The Good Side of E. Coli 

E. coli help us break down food into usable, digestible molecules of nutrients. Through this process, the bacteria in our gut produce vitamin K– a vitamin that is not readily available from food sources – and some B-complex vitamins. E. Coli and other beneficial bacteria also reduce the growth of harmful strains of E. Coli .

Why determination of isotonic point is crucial in medicine?

Osmosis has several implications where medical care is concerned, particularly in the case of the storage of red blood cells.
These are normally kept in a plasma solution which is isotonic to the cells when it contains specific proportions of salts and proteins.
However, if red blood cells are placed in a hypotonic solution, for instance pure water, osmosis would draw the water into the cells, causing them to swell and eventually burst.

Similarly, if the cells were placed in hypertonic solution, osmosis would draw water out of the cells until they shriveled. Finally, it lead to severe damaged to cells in the body.

Assalamualaikum guys...

Today, I would like to give some tips about how to score highest mark in Paper 3, Biology. These guidelines is created by one of our Biology Senior Teacher, Mr. Zolkofli Awang, from MRSM Kepala Batas, Penang. If you have any problems to understand all the tips given, don't be hesitate to contact me through my email address, So.. Here are the tips...



(a)    FORMULAE 1: Technique in Reading Questions.         
·         Read the stem of the questions UNDERLINED & MARK
·         Re-write  MV [cMV, aMV],  RV [cRV, aRV] &  CV
·         DON'T ANSWER the questions until you identified the variables
·         Use magic box

(b)    FORMULAE 2:   Measuring using numbers

·         Read/Measure/count + decimal point (if compulsory) +  Unit

(c)    FORMULAE 3:   Observation

·         COPY  title of the table* =  MV +  CRV and construct a sentence
·         Don't use your own words
·         No need to compare
*if the data / experiment result are displayed in a table

(d)   FORMULAE 4:   Inference
·           ..... (give reason) because + ARV
·         Find a theory,  why the phenomenon happened
·         Relate between aMV and aRV

I think that's all for this time. I will continue with other tips in the next entry especially the 'Magic Box' mentioned in Formulae 1. May all these tips help you a lot during answering all the questions in Paper 3. All the best for you. Good luck!

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